Monday 24 October 2011

Momentous changes

Goodness me, is that the time? I must have dropped off.
All sorts have happened since the last post. For starters the floras, monographs and taxonomy works were moved from the Department Library to the new [as yet unnamed] library in the Sainsbury Lab over the summer. Visitors are welcome, but ideally should contact us first on because access to the SL requires some sort of verification - even for members of the Department of Plant Sciences. Past visitors to the Herbarium should contact Gina Murrell if the require access to the new library.
Not all items are in the intended order on the shelves yet, but this may be sorted out over the Christmas vacation. Thus, whilst Simpson Collection books are in order, as are the journals, the other books are still in large sets, so that for example, all European floras are still on the shelves as they were moved, and not in country order.
The 'old' library has been tidied, and all items on the outrageously high shelves have been brought down to more accessible levels. All journals are now in one alphabetical sequence and books are now easier to find.